Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We've got the yuckies!

Well, strep throat has hit the Baker house. I took Ethan, my 2 year old to the doctors yesterday after he broke out in hives on Sunday night. After they didn't respond to medicine and looked really angry the next day I decided it might be something serious.
They did a strep swab in the office and ran the test while we waited. It came back negative, or so they said. We went about our Tuesday as normal and saw LOTS of people. The nurse called me this afternoon and advised me that yes, he DOES have strep and will be contagious for 24 hours after starting anti-biotics. Great!

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Balloon Fiesta 2009

I love the Balloon Fiesta. I am lucky to live in the city that host this amazing fiesta. If you've never been, I suggest you come and soon. There is no experience quite like it.
It starts early, Dawn Patrol goes off at 7:45am to test the wind conditions. They give all the other balloons the okay to launch.
Mass Assention is incredible, there is wave after wave of balloons launching. Soon, the whole sky is full of color and shape. Thousands of people flood the field to watch the beautiful sight.